Power and Renewables
Kirby is a market leader in delivering Power and Renewable projects, providing High Voltage / Medium Voltage (HV/MV) design & build services, of both, AIS & GIS systems, up to 400kV to DNOs, TSOs, the renewables sector and large industry facilities requiring high capacity power.
Our Power and Renewables teams have also got substantial experience in delivering high-profile HVDC interconnector projects in Ireland and the UK. With an increasing focus on maximising the renewable energy utilisation, we are also embracing and have delivered numerous battery energy storage systems (BESS) projects, which are based on a green technology that eliminates electricity waste and enables excess renewable power to be stored and utilised when it’s required. Our services are delivered by an experienced in-house team of professional engineers, construction and commissioning teams, including internal SAPs approved to operate HV/MV systems.
Our scope of work focuses on electrical and civil Balance of Plant contracts. We have in-depth expertise and experience in the design & build of new contestable and non-contestable substations, as well as the refurbishment of existing substation in live environments. Kirby has successfully delivered contestable HV/MV substation projects for ESB Networks, EirGrid, Scottish Power, large industry facilities and wind developers, connecting over 2GW of renewable energy to the grid in the UK and Ireland. We are fully accredited with Lloyds NERS, Achilles UVDB and Achilles Sellicha; we are representatives of various country-specific Wind Energy Associations and regularly contribute to industry discussion papers as a leading T&D focused contractor.

Featured Case Study
Project: Grousemount 114MV Windfarm
Location: Kerry, Ireland
Value: €15m
Sectors: Substations and Renewables
Services: HV/MV Services
Grousemount Windfarm, Ireland
Kirby were awarded the Electrical Balance of Plant (EBoP) works associated with the Grousemount Windfarm development which consisted of: Contestable EPC of Coomataggart 110/38kV substation, EPC of Grousemount 110 / 33kV IPP substation and EPC of the 33kV Windfarm radial system.
Kirby carried out all civil (Substations only) and electrical work, including design, procurement, installation/erection, testing and commissioning associated with the Windfarm EBoP. Grousemount 114MW Windfarm is the largest single grid connected Windfarm on the island of Ireland, all works were completed on time to an extremely high standard.
Kirby scope of works included the design and build of electrical and civils/building works.
The electrical and instrumentation systems installed by Kirby included:
- Primary Equipment Transmission Connection
- Primary Equipment Distribution Connection
- Earthing & Bonding
- Control & Protection System
- MV Cable Connection System
- Fibre Network
- Substation OHL Busbar
- Transmission Underground Cables
- Distribution Underground Cables
- DC Battery Systems
- Generator
- General & Emergency Lighting
- General Service Power
- Mechanical Plant Service Power
- Fire Detection & Alarm
- Access Control, Intruder & CCTV
- Voice & Data Distribution
- Lightning Protection
- SCADA Room Air-Con Systems
- SF6 Extraction System